This exercise is designed to analyze the tonality of the voice as it shifts in response to one's perceived audience, environment and social norms/pressures. Please use a personal recording device (the voice memo app on your smart phone is an acceptable option - or, if you don't have one, the library rents them out, see to record yourself participating in
at least two different types of conversations. These different types can include:
- You talking to friends and/or peers
- You talking to someone you consider a superior/someone who has more authority
- You talking to someone you consider a subordinate (or a conversation where you feel like you have more authority than the other speaker)
- You talking to family (if the family member is considered also a peer AND a friend, please do not use this option in conjunction with the first one)
- You talking to someone you consider an adversary
This is due a week from today -
Thursday, November 7th. Please have these sound files downloaded to your laptop by class time (if you do not have a laptop, you may email it to someone in the class who does). We will do an in-class exercise to look at the frequency/pitch, volume and inflection of the voice as we speak to different audiences.
If you have problems recording or downloading, please feel free to visit me during my office hours (Tuesday/Thursday, 2-4pm)