Thursday, October 31, 2013

Assignment for Thursday, November 7th

This exercise is designed to analyze the tonality of the voice as it shifts in response to one's perceived audience, environment and social norms/pressures. Please use a personal recording device (the voice memo app on your smart phone is an acceptable option - or, if you don't have one, the library rents them out, see to record yourself participating in at least two different types of conversations. These different types can include:

  • You talking to friends and/or peers
  • You talking to someone you consider a superior/someone who has more authority
  • You talking to someone you consider a subordinate (or a conversation where you feel like you have more authority than the other speaker)
  • You talking to family (if the family member is considered also a peer AND a friend, please do not use this option in conjunction with the first one)
  • You talking to someone you consider an adversary
This is due a week from today - Thursday, November 7th. Please have these sound files downloaded to your laptop by class time (if you do not have a laptop, you may email it to someone in the class who does). We will do an in-class exercise to look at the frequency/pitch, volume and inflection of the voice as we speak to different audiences.

If you have problems recording or downloading, please feel free to visit me during my office hours (Tuesday/Thursday, 2-4pm)

Anchor Performance Link

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

link for performance

Peer Crit for Second-Round Intermedia Performances

Please choose a partner in the class who you will be responsible for critiquing. When that person performs please write down:

  1. What your response as an audience member was to their performance. Think about all the senses that were evoked during the performance.
  2. How the performance has changed since the last iteration of it. What has improved? Was there anything that worked better last time?
  3. What did you enjoy about the performance?
  4. What are some suggestions to take the performance to the next level?

Please type up and email these critical notes to your partner (you may need to exchange email addresses) and COPY me on the email. If you partner performs today (Tuesday), please email them/me by the beginning of the next class; if you partner performs on Thursday, please email them/me by next Tuesday's class.

Presentation Video

link for presentation

Presentation for Class
