- Determine your intentions: are your intentions to teach, or to learn?
- Determine your vantage point: where does your cultural perspective differ from the perspective you are performing?
- Be open to criticism
- Predict what, if any, outcomes may be harmful, or perceived as harmful by members of the cultural perspective you are presenting.
go to : http://www.cutnmix.com/macversion/ or http://www.robopoem.com/ for PC users
- Write a brief aesthetic text from your or another’s perspective (if writing from another’s perspective please complete Alcoff’s steps recommended for “Speaking for Others.”)
- Find one or more other texts to cut up with your text (this can be lyrics, a poem, a movie script, a set of directions - anything!)
- Cut N Mix: 1.) Download the app for your respective computing machine 2.) Open the app and go to "Input Tracks" tab; 3.) Select "Track 1" tab and write in your composed piece (sorry, this does not do "cut' and "paste"!) 4.) Select "Track 2/3/4" tab and insert your reappropriated piece(s) 5.) Tab back to "Output" and determine your parameters (i.e. turning down one track, etc., size filtering out words) 6.) Hit "Mix Tracks" 7.) I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS IN CLASS SO PLEASE READ: Again Cut N Mix cannot cut and paste so hit "Save Mix" and save it somewhere you will be able to locate. It will save as a TextEdit file. You can use that to print it out or cut and paste into Word/GoogleDocs/Open Office.
- Refine the language to make as much (or little sense) as you would like. This is another layer of your aesthetic interpretation.*At least 20 lines, please!