Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cut-Up Assignment + Linda Alcoff's 4 Steps to Reconcile Speaking Others

Linda Alcoff's 4 Steps for Speaking for Others (link to pdf for those who are interested)

  1. Determine your intentions: are your intentions to teach, or to learn?
  2. Determine your vantage point: where does your cultural perspective differ from the perspective you are performing?
  3. Be open to criticism
  4. Predict what, if any, outcomes may be harmful, or perceived as harmful by members of the cultural perspective you are presenting.
Cut-Up Exercise

go to : or for PC users
  • Write a brief aesthetic text from your or another’s perspective (if writing from another’s perspective please complete Alcoff’s steps recommended for “Speaking for Others.”)
  • Find one or more other texts to cut up with your text (this can be lyrics, a poem, a movie script, a set of directions - anything!)
  • Cut N Mix: 1.) Download the app for your respective computing machine 2.) Open the app and go to "Input Tracks" tab; 3.) Select "Track 1" tab and write in your composed piece (sorry, this does not do "cut' and "paste"!) 4.) Select "Track 2/3/4" tab and insert your reappropriated piece(s) 5.) Tab back to "Output" and determine your parameters (i.e. turning down one track, etc., size filtering out words) 6.) Hit "Mix Tracks" 7.) I FORGOT TO MENTION THIS IN CLASS SO PLEASE READ: Again Cut N Mix cannot cut and paste so hit "Save Mix" and save it somewhere you will be able to locate. It will save as a TextEdit file. You can use that to print it out or cut and paste into Word/GoogleDocs/Open Office.

  • Refine the language to make as much (or little sense) as you would like. This is another layer of your aesthetic interpretation.
    *At least 20 lines, please!

1 comment:

  1. Time by Pink Floyd & Excerpt from "20 things I learned in North Korea"

    Ticking away lies the moments that make big things
    The government hammers, dull away the day,
    Fritter the message, waste the hours preparing the off-hand way
    Kicking around South Korea, the press piece depicts ground,
    North Korea, your hometown,
    Suffering, waiting for an American-occupied someone country
    The leaders' speeches show you talk about the North way,
    Korea tired of being the lying envy,
    the sunshine world, staying home the highest quality
    The rain, life to you, tiny are things
    We met a young soldier
    Life long, time told, Colonel
    And then one day after, killed
    You find ten major army years have got behind you, tour, retired
    Told one, told you when you had run and studied North Korea,
    your army missed army uniforms
    And the gun, and the soldier you were
    Run, run to your Captain
    Facts are not the key but the sun, it's sinking
    The equation come racing around North Korea
    And behind you again, the sun, with your mind the same
