Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Radio LAB

Radio lab Emergence: Steven Johnson stories about how work as an individual can lead you one way while, when u take the groups ideas and find the middle you get close to the answer. An example is for the ox story when every one guessed a number the middle number of all the numbers guessed was very close to what it is. So performing, as a group can be more efficient and which aids to successes through teamwork and collaboration. Also his blog, and how he helped Google with people posting advertising his blog got more and more hits making it higher on the list, of what comes up first. So he didn't become number 4 on Google search page by what he wrote, but by the visits he received and the comments that made him popular enough to be seen. So between both of these things nothing performs solo except the physical thing itself, but it can’t be put together without the help of others.

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