Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 2

I though both RadioLabs were really interesting. From the Sir Francis story, I definitely took away from it the interesting aspect of working with a group to retain better results. I had a sense of how Google worked, but this was a really articulate way to understand just how much we, the people, have decided the popular content on youtube. Incidentally, it seems almost inevitable that poeple would use this system against itself to make money.

"I flipped a coin, and lost my life" might have been my favorite-attrbuting the the funny boys, and I got goosebumps when they both got lucky leaves. It was really interesting to see the change in Dennis. Iv heard it takes 17(?) days to build a habit. It seems like this habit actually turned into something Dennis loved. Regardless of Dennis wanting to do it or not, the tea leaves spoke his true fate. I don't think Dennis is wimpy in any sense. I think he needed a bigger entity to himself to show him he was making the right choice.

Obviously I wrote this before the Elizabeth Gilbert Segment but I just want to add something about the importance of only receiving one percent inspiration.

I really have gotten a really interesting set of perspectives pertaining to the 'human condition' and I am led to believe even further that every interaction is a performance. We are so concerned and in-tune with the other party and their reactions, as well as often attempting to avoid conflict. All of which result in individuals making deals with themselves and others in a way of taking a level of control. It seems like the power of ourselves is the most powerful. For some, this is literally the last restort in terms of making a real, internal change. 

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