Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Response to Radiolab "Emergence"

The story of Sir Francis does a great job of giving an example of what this class has been talking about lately. Since we are studying people's performances, the community's average guess adding up to being what the ox weighs shows that a communities' performance can represent its culture (in a way). This may not be exactly accurate, but the story shows if a community performs together then it can be a successful community, at least within itself.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the radio lab "emergence" was very interesting. The way they communicated with the audience was easy to follow and keep me interested in listening. I also liked how they added music to lab it made it seem less serious.
    Some interesting points I found in the performance was the one comment the made, many stupid things can add up to something smart. With the examples of people guess the weight of the ox and how everyones guess was more accurate then just one person guess. Showing that when everyone works together it can be more accurate. Everyone sees the weight of the ox different but its ok if everyones guess is a little different because in the end it will be more accurate.
