Saturday, October 19, 2013


My issue was the lack of funding for US Alpine Racers. The top riders in the US are given no funding from USSA, and are forced to live in the cars in order to save money for the upcoming season. It is unfortunate when some of the top athletes in the world are unable to compete because their countries organization is not supporting them. My stance is that the top 3 racers, or world cup racers, should be on the A team and receive an annual salary as well as their travel fees, hotels, and race fees are covered. The B Team should include the next 3 riders and have their travel fees, race fees, and hotels paid for. This would ensure the top racers are competing at the highest level of competition, and give incentive for many young racers to continue to pursue their goals in alpine snowboarding.
A different perspective could be a member on the USSA board of directors. It is presumed by this board that Alpine snowboarding is dying out in the US, or it just not as popular as the other disciplines, so the money should be allotted to those that are helping the sport grow. The USSA is trying to make money off the best snowboarders, and the sponsor and television follow halfpipe, slopestyle, and boardercross, so those riders should be given the support of the USSA, instead of the alpine riders.

I would change the videos I showed in class. I could show videos of how exciting the freestyle and boardercross aspects of snowboarding are. I could also have audio playing of the announcers from the x-games and other big freestyle events. I could bring in freestyle snowboard gear as well.

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