Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Intermedia Assignment

While I do have an appreciation for many animals, I cannot say that I love every animal on the planet, such as spiders and snakes to name a few. Growing up, my sister and I had various pets in the hopes that someday our parents would give us a dog. We started small, with our pets ranging from crayfish and goldfish, and then there were hermit crabs from the Jersey Shore, and eventually a bunny. My sister even had a hamster, which I basically considered to be a rat. It is safe to say that we had a range of pets, which my sister and I cherished. For as long as I can remember, Kate and I would beg my parents for a dog, and finally, when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school we got one. My love for animals, and particularly for dogs, grew even deeper when my family and I got involved in an organization called “Adopt-A-Lab”. Through this organization I became aware of how many dogs are in need of rescue for various reasons. Some have been neglected, abused or abandoned, and other just were too costly for their families to afford. Adopt-A-Lab’s purpose is to place dogs in safe and permanent homes as soon as possible. My mom, sister and I would spend our Saturday mornings playing with the puppies and dogs, in hopes that at the end of the day they would leave with an owner who could provide them with a home and the love they needed.  Oftentimes, dogs needed a temporary home and we would foster them in our home for a few days or even weeks.

Aside from my family’s involvement with an animal adoption organization, I do not have a direct experience with the abandonment with pets; however I am aware that it is a widespread issue in our country today. I understand that there are many reasons for owners to abandon their pets, and there is not room in shelters for all of these animals. Nevertheless, I believe it should be illegal to abandon one’s pet. If an owner cannot afford their pet for financial or other reasons, there should be a place where these animals can go in the United States. Since there is not enough room in shelters, many animals in shelters are being put to rest. According to one website, “Eight million dogs and cats enter shelters in the U.S. each year, and more than half won’t make it out alive”. While everyone might not feel as strongly about this issue as others, believing that children in foster homes, poverty or unemployment is larger issues facing our country. However, I believe there are ways to reduce the number of animals abandoned or killed in the United States with a program similar to Adopt-A-Lab.

For my media I would like play some type of video. I’m not exactly sure what I want to do yet, but I would like it to be complex and confusing for the audience. The confusion the audience feels can be linked to how the animals feel when they are abandoned or placed in poor living conditions. Many homeless animals may feel fear and anxiety not knowing why their lives are turning out the way they are, and I think it would be fascinating if the audience had an opportunity to feel a sense of that trepidation and thus to really consider the importance of my performance. I am considering showing a video of a story about one specific animal or a video about multiple cases of animals being abandoned – I am still trying to figure out which will touch the audience more. In addition, I am going to write a piece of my own about how I feel on the issue and combine it with a few statistics and another piece of writing, maybe an article on this subject. I am going to combine the three pieces in Cut n’ Mix and read it while the video is playing. 

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