Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I hate to be the guy who choses an extreme issue to talk about when I could chose a subject with much more levity. However, gay marriage/gay rights is an issue that I possess strong feelings about. The reason I am talking about this is not only because of my personal feelings on the matter, but also in my Bible and Social Justice course this is a topic that we dove into today. I am so interested in why this issue sparks such a large debate within our society.
            I feel strongly that what occurs in the privacy of your own home is between you and your partner. There is no need for the government or even your friends to bring themselves into your love life. The motive behind involving oneself in others love life still baffles me. The fact that the government actively tries to investigate the lives of homosexuals should be illegal. For example in the case of Bowers vrs Hardwick a male was arrested in Atlanta for performing oral sex in the privacy of his own home. A police officer had charged with “drinking in public” for throwing away a beer can in a trashcan outside the gay bar where he works. The city sent him the wrong dates for his court case getting him further in trouble with the law. The same officer that issued him his ticket was present when the police raided Hardwick’s room.
            This is clearly an example of the law not serving and protecting, but unlawful acts and corruption. Hardwick was targeting because of his sexual orientation. This is a clear example of segregation. Segregation was named illegal in, Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S. (1954): In 1896, the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case. The way the officer harassed Hardwick wasn’t only unethical, it was also illegal.
            Not only does this topic spark a fire with the law, religion is where the battle reaches its peak. The reason for this extremeness is not only because of the interpretations of the religious text, but also because of how many fellows read and live by the scripture. Many of the liberals in each religion, such as liberal Christians and Jews embrace homosexuals because God teaches them love all people as their brother. However, the majority of each major religion teaches their followers that if a man lies with a man, or a woman lies with a woman, she/he is a sinner and condemned.

            To not accept someone for whom they love is an idea that has never occurred to me. The fact that officers are unlawfully targeting and pursuing homosexuals must come to an end. I hope in the future religious followers will grow with their time era and realize that ancient writing must be looked through in the lenses of the 21 century; then you apply the teaching and guiding’s the scripture has to offer. The battle against gay marriage has a long rode ahead and I hope our society can evolve to not reject ideas we do not understand.
            I am planing on involving the class making them change sits to have the classes know what segregation feels like. I will bring in signs and use youtube videos as well as audio from certain speeches and protest.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Will - as we discussed after class, I think your approach to divide the class physically would count as a kinesthetic media, and if you look for videos of the Westboro Baptist Church rallies, it could provide a soundtrack to help enhance the feeling of combativeness.
