Monday, October 14, 2013

Intermedia Project Post


Ever since there have been economic gaps (so that essentially means forever), the world has been affected by FWP. Only recently, thanks to social media, has FWP gained such awareness and prominence in our society. Yes, I am discussing the social issue of first world problems.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the memes and hashtags, first world problems are frustrations and complaints that are experienced by privileged individuals in wealthy countries. We in this class have the luxury to have these first world problems. If the most serious issue we encounter all day is having to get out of bed to reach the charger when our Apple laptop is dying, I’d say we’re pretty fortunate.

It may seem just a simple, one-dimensional social media craze like grumpy cat, can I haaz Cheeseburger or hot dogs/legs. However, first world problems is much more dynamic. As I live in the first world and am blessed enough to attend University I have encountered my share of first world problems. These range from looking into a fridge full of food and thinking “I have nothing to eat” to “My rental car has no audio jack.” Every time I go to Whole Foods I am bothered by the fact I have to battle twelve other people for a parking spot. Yes, these are silly problems that cannot really be defined as ‘problems.’

First World Problems is a social media craze that is a lot deeper than what it appears to be on the surface. It allows us to critique the culture of privilege many of us are in through humor. Not only do these memes provide an endless supply of laughter and amusement, it highlights global inequalities, injustices and difficulties of life outside of the first world. We see how silly we sometimes sound. It also gets us to acknowledge and appreciate our position of privilege. This first world problem social media phenomenon may potentially inspire some people to go out and help those less fortunate than ourselves.

First World Problems also reach a global audience, allowing for unique interpretations from other cultures. Some of the memes created by other cultures critique our own. People are more receptive to humor than harsh critiques so this is incredibly effective.

Some critics of this social media craze may dismiss it as silly. Others may critique it for it makes us appear like we a replacing ourselves in a position of superiority. However, I think first world problems, in general, is an effective, contemporary approach to cultural critique.  Most people can join in on developing the discourse of first world problems and this allows for self-reflection. 

I think a cool future media project would be to create my own advertisement for FWP, perhaps in the style of a commercial for a medical drug and in the end prescribe bridges and straws for "getting over it" and "sucking it up."

1 comment:

  1. Kristen - we talked about a lot of interesting approaches to your project in class, like creating a recovery group for FWP or juxtaposing these two worlds using videos, audio, various media, etc. Let me know if you need more suggestions.
