Thursday, November 7, 2013

Voice Analysis

           The first conversation is with my so called adversary and we talked about playing the NHL video game on Xbox and how i was beating him repeatedly with my superior ability. We also went ton to discuss day light savings briefly and what i was recording this about and for. The second conversation is with my girlfriend where we just speak about our days and class. The average pitch for the first conversation is 62.77 in pitch. The average pitch of the second conversation was 61.79 a little less then the first.  The average pitch of the other persons voice for the first one was 59.02 and he spoke lower then me at most times. The average pitch for the others persons voice was 60.03 and she spoke lower then me except when we spoke about my classes and my interest towards them. I tended to be louder in both conversations while they average a 27.9 loudness. 
          The subjective quartiles that i notice is that i i tend to lead the conversations and is louder and more projecting at points and sometimes they get higher then me depending on the topic of conversation and what is said at the time and what it was regarding. Such as in the first conversation when we talked about playing NHL and how i was up his voice spiked in rebuttal towards my comments. I tended to approach the pitch and loudness of the other person depending on what the conversation lead too. at points the other voice took the opposing role but never out of me feeling un dominate or not ahead in the conversation. The conversations were good, one was more cal my toned then the others. Depending who leads the conversation. The conversations weren’t in any weird or conflicting agreements and it went smoothly and there were higher points depending who was talking and what was being discussed. 

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