Thursday, October 3, 2013

Carly's Text Analysis

Amanda’s version:
The slices kind she wake and ski time, covered. Knife. Of feet butter path, a favorite open. But she light, in weekends if had of flavor. Jelly was her favorite.
When a going slice the not. When her favorite decided. Bread spread the jelly trees. Which the among favorite. Favorite during a familiar dream
When I the feet onto wasn’t world
But jelley wasn’t filled that were up to the trees. Opening no year. But where a grape jelly. Day covered. Best so enough to hands
Hope feet jelly other all favorite me is sandwich. Matter on take use all don’t a slices favorite my with
They whether peanut matter don’t was by peanut but until finding matter jelly just that I’m me were see provoking ski. Take its had soon beating all into jelly. She with butter where going enough to sandwich. Was to into up favorite. Resorts favorite that tell ever little were together, one soon will use I care. A plans she and any travel start.
The Pentad:
Agent: The “who” is a girl. I think she is perhaps a young girl who skis and enjoys peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are her favorite, and in the third person the audience is told how to make them through her. The audience can connect with the girl in this piece because I believe everyone has had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and can picture him or herself making one as she explains how to make one.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches represent comfort food no matter the age of the person. In addition, the audience, specifically individuals who ski, can relate to her talk about the ski resort. We do sympathize for the speaker and specifically the girl because she is reflecting on her travels and future plans, yet looking back to reassurance from her childhood.
Purpose: I don’t see a real connection with all of the different topics within this piece because they are all random: skiing, traveling, plans, waking up and starting fresh, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  However, I believe the purpose for this girl was to talk about all of the things she cared about which may be her plans, traveling and something constant perhaps from her childhood, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. This person wanted to share with us how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and those steps in which to make one. It was also written in a way that her words came to her, which was very personal.
Scene: This person is in a kitchen; outside in the mountains at a ski resort; she also could be in her room because she is dreaming. I believe she is also in touch with nature. This piece was written in third person about someone and how they made their sandwich in addition to her starting her travel. The audience can be any one who can make a connection to this girl or who may be interested in how she makes her sandwich. The physical and temporal setting is here because the speaker is talking about how this girl feels about certain things, such as the ski resort, traveling and peanut bitter and jelly sandwiches (favorite).
Agency: This writing is very informal and the author used the technique of the thoughts, words and feelings being dispersed throughout the piece, not making it understandable.
Persona: The persona portrayed in this piece may or may not be of the same cultural perspective because they used “she” and “I” so it is first and third person. Also, the way this was written (not understandable) added a little feeling to the piece, like maybe the individual was confused.
Literary devices: The author uses peanut butter and jelly as a metaphor for the security of her childhood. It is a symbol of comfort and familiarity of something favorite from her home.

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