Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday 10.1.13 In-Class Considerations

YouTube/Vimeo Performance Reflections:

Write Down - do not put your name on your answers (5 min)

  • Why do you think I assigned this project?
  • What connections do you think I wanted you to make with the reading/discussions?
  • What connections (if any) did you actually make with the reading/discussions?
  • In what other ways did this assignment help you with this class?

We will discuss this briefly in class but if you do not feel comfortable voicing your reflections feel free to just hand in to me anonymously

Preparations for peer critiques - since we will be pairing up AFTER the performances, please be ready with one of the following for EACH performer:
  • 1-2 things the performer did well regarding the delivery
  • 1-2 things the performer could work on regarding the delivery
  • 1-2 things the performer did well regarding the content
  • 1-2 things the performer could work on regarding content


  1. Why do you think assigned this project?
    To see the creative and ways you can interpret something that you have seen to further your understanding of the video. Then being able to relay it back to other people and see what it is about.
    What connections do you think I wanted it make with the reading/discussions?
    The connections were your self ability to perform something and then how you could take critiques to your work.
    What connectiosn (if any) did you actually make with the reading/discussions?
    In what other ways did this assignment help you with this class?
    The assignment helped me with this class in order speaking about something I found rather then I write change my language and be able to practice speaking and communicating with people who have never seen something.

  2. Why do you think I assigned this project?

    · To be able to analyze and identify the different types of performances, audiences, and performers within a YouTube video or Vimeo Video.

    · To make us recognize that there’s not just one concrete performance aka the exterior one (the YouTube video itself)

    · I kind of liked watching everyone’s performances and their videos they found and analyzed

    · Good introduction to public speaking and to see how we perform in front of a crowd of people.
