Thursday, October 24, 2013

Truthtual & Factful

It's difficult to say how I would define the Truth and how I would define the Fact surrounding my issue.  I must consider that some people simply do not enjoy reading.  I do believe, however, that if one chooses to read, he should do so with an interest in gaining something (knowledge, wisdom, greater understanding of the interstices of the cosmos, etc.) through reading.  To do the opposite, to read for the sole purpose of being able to say one has read (for being well read=intelligence, duh) is an alternate Truth to which many, perhaps not explicitly, subscribe.  I was encouraged, not told to read; exposed to, not assigned books.  This without a doubt influenced how I feel today about my issue.

I feel, if pressed, the reiteration of my project would seem similar to the "Yellow Rain" podcast in that I assumed, as I suppose the RadioLab guys did, the role of Devil's Advocate in order to evoke a response, or strengthen a point.  I believe they had no intention of offending anyone during the interview, but I do feel the interviewers posed questions and seemed to assume roles that were without a doubt designed with the intention of bringing controversial flaws to light and challenge those who held certain "Truths."  I created personal narratives, one to show how reading could best be experienced and one to create ironically, an atmosphere of totalitarian literary discourse, or whatever.

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